Jerusalem – President Biden Four Israeli settlers were sanctioned Thursday for violently targeting Palestinians in the disputed West Bank.

The White House’s unprecedented executive order to punish Israelis while fighting the Palestinian terrorist movement Hamas in the Jewish state of Gaza and Palestinian terrorist cells in the West Bank has sparked outrage among Hamas supporters. . of the Middle East Only democracy.

David Friedman, former US ambassador to Israel and a key architect of peace, said, “While I have no tolerance for violence, Biden’s selection of four Jewish Israelis for sanctions, especially when Palestinian violence is far more prevalent and deadly , is just pure politics.” told Fox News Digital that between Arab countries and Israel.

“Meanwhile, Biden is allowing hundreds of people on a terror watch list to enter the U.S. illegally and refusing to impose sanctions on Iran. This order has greatly damaged the dignity of the presidency. Has been. Nobody’s falling for it.”

Israeli forces destroyed a tunnel system Hamas had built under the cemetery, the IDF said

Biden and Netanyahu

Biden’s criticism of Netanyahu’s government has sparked anger as the Israeli president is set to address Congress. (Getty Images)

Friedman, served under. President TrumpAccording to the envoy and other experts, Biden further angered Israeli Jews for being singled out for sanctions while Palestinian violence in the West Bank is escalating.

“This order targets anyone who acts against peace and stability. On this basis, Biden should sanction all members of the Palestinian Authority who pay terrorists to kill Jews. But we Know he won’t do that. He’ll roll out the red carpet for them.” ”

Friedman’s comment about Biden playing “pure politics” appears to be a reference to Biden’s efforts to court the Arab-American vote in the state of Michigan. Biden’s punitive actions against the four Israelis coincided with a campaign. Visit Michigan on Thursday.The state with the largest Arab-American community, in an effort to shore up declining support among many members of the community who object to Israel’s war to root out Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Strip.

Biden’s Executive order said it was aimed at “the threat posed by the situation in the West Bank, including particularly extremist settler violence, the forced displacement of people and villages, and the destruction of property.” Such actions are a serious threat to peace. The West Bank and Gaza undermine the security and stability of Israel and the broader Middle East region and undermine US foreign policy and national security objectives.

David Friedman in the Oval Office

U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman and U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin listen during a press conference on the establishment of full diplomatic relations between Israel and Bahrain in the Oval Office of the White House on September 11, 2020 in Washington, DC. (Anna Moneymaker/The New York Times/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

The executive order also noted: “I find that these actions constitute an extraordinary and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States, and I have declared a national emergency to address this threat.” Is.”

The four Israelis who have been banned are David Chai Chasdai, Ainan Tanjeel, Shalom Zuckerman and Yanon Levy. of the Biden administration Punitive action has also sparked outrage as Israel’s judiciary has either prosecuted Israelis or is in the process of prosecuting extremists.

“The overwhelming majority of residents of Judea and Samaria are law-abiding citizens, many of whom are currently conscripted to defend Israel,” said a statement from the Prime Minister’s Office on X regarding the executive order. And as defenders – fighting.”

He concluded by saying that “Israel takes action against all law-breaking Israelis everywhere; extraordinary measures are therefore unnecessary.”

Israel sentenced Chisdai to six months in prison in 2016 for planning an attack on a Palestinian village. Israel’s Supreme Court is on trial against Levy for vandalizing Palestinian olive trees and water wells. Tanzil faces charges of assaulting an Israeli activist in 2021.

Shalom Zuckerman faces indictment from 2022 for attacking left-wing Israeli activists near the ancient city of Hebron.

People with flags in the West Bank

People march towards Avitar’s checkpoint near the Tapah Junction in the West Bank on April 10, 2023. (AP Photo/Ariel Shalette)

Biden’s sanctions bar the four men from doing business with Americans in the United States and from traveling to the United States.

Israel will impose a ban on rebuilding Israeli settlements in Gaza after concerns from the Biden administration

“Calling Israelis ‘settlers’ is a historical slur,” former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo wrote on X. “Judea and Samaria is the rightful homeland of the Jewish people. For Biden to target these Israelis — especially when they are weak and Respect to Iran – is a reckless policy.”

The term “residents” is preferred over “settlers” to the Israelis living in Judea and Samaria because the connotation of invasion applies to settlers. From the legal perspective of the government of Israel, the territory of Judea and Samaria is disputed territory.

Most of the international community claims that this area is occupied by ISIS. Israeli government. Israel occupied Judea and Samaria in 1967 in response to a self-defense war waged by several Arab countries against the existence of a Jewish state.

Pompeo, who served as Friedman during the Trump administration, recently appeared with the former ambassador in a documentary titled “Route 60: The Biblical Highway.” The film covers major Christian and Jewish biblical sites along Route 60 in the Holy Land.

Iran supported terrorist groups.

Palestinian terrorists take up positions during clashes with Israeli forces in Jenin on July 3, 2023. (Jafar Ashtia/AFP via Getty Images)

Judge allows Biden admin to claim US funds are supporting Palestinian terrorists to go ahead

“I think the executive order undermines the cause of justice,” Yisrael Midad, who lives in Shiloh, Samaria, told Fox News Digital.

“There are many other Arab residents of the same region who are more deserving of sanctions, including members of the governing bodies of the Palestinian Authority. In fact, Mr. Biden should push for the implementation of the terms of the Taylor Force Act first.”

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Two Israeli brothers were shot dead by a Palestinian terrorist in the West Bank. (Nadav Goldstein/TPS)

Congress passed. Taylor Force Act, Named after West Point graduate Taylor Force, who served in Afghanistan and Iraq. A Palestinian terrorist stabbed the force in 2016. The purpose of the act is to withhold economic aid to the Palestinian Authority until it bans a system of financial subsidies for Palestinians convicted of terrorism and their family members. This program has earned the infamous name “Pay to Slay”.

Witness Terrorism: How Hamas Primed the Palestinians for Genocide on Israel

Abbas Palestine Gaza

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas addresses a Palestinian leadership meeting at the presidential headquarters in Ramallah. (Palestinian Presidency/Handout/Anadolu via Getty Images)

When Biden was asked what was motivating him to punish Israelis living in the settlements, Midad, who has written extensively about the region, said, “They are Mahmoud Abbas[Palestinians in the West Bank]. (authority president) is doing so to please, who refuses to see a part of Israel. After the Gaza war Help with the arrangements as well as their election campaign, which is openly threatened by pro-Palestinian activists.”

He argued that the violence in the region was “terrorist killings of Jews, official incitement of terrorism by the Palestinian Authority and the like”.

Israel Palestine

Palestinians inspect charred cars in Hawara, a town near the West Bank city of Nablus. (AP Newsroom)

In a recent opinion piece for the Jerusalem Post, Medad contradicted US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller, who said on December 6 that “extreme Israeli settler violence against Palestinians and their property “unprecedented level”.

According to Midad, Israeli media reported in early November that, when compared to 2022, “the number of incidents in which Jews were involved in violent crimes in Judea and Samaria decreased by about 50 percent overall.” The West Bank is home to about half a million Israelis and an estimated three million Palestinians.

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Matthew Miller at a State Department briefing

State Department spokesman Matthew Miller (Screenshot/State Department)

When asked about Ambassador Friedman’s criticism, the U.S. State Department referred a question to Fox News Digital Press Spokesperson Miller’s press briefing Thursday.

“Both the president and the secretary have shared with their Israeli and Palestinian counterparts our concerns about the level of violence in the West Bank and have urged Israel to stop violence against civilians,” Miller said. More steps must be taken to hold those responsible accountable.” State Department briefing on Thursday.

Miller also noted that, “We continue to make clear this expectation from the Government of Israel, and as we do, the United States will continue to take steps to advance the safety, security, and dignity of Israelis and Palestinians alike.” Will.”

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