A British lawmakers is pushing for legislation that would allow transgender people to change their legally recognized gender to match their gender identity after they die.

The Labor Party MP Charlotte Nicholls In late January it called for the UK’s Gender Identity Act 2004 to be amended to allow for posthumous gender changes.

“My question follows a recent petition, supported by many of my constituents, to amend the Gender Identity Act,” Nicholls told The Telegraph in an interview.

“The petition was sparked by the murder of my constituent Briana Ghee, whose life was brutally cut short before she was old enough to have formal legal recognition of who she was and to be recognized by her family. , how friends and our community will remember,” he added.

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UK Parliament Migration

A UK lawmaker is pushing for legislation that would allow transgender people to change their gender to match their gender identity after they die. (UK Parliament via AP)

“At the time, the government said they didn’t believe any reforms were necessary, but that’s something I’ve been raising with me through my constituents and will continue to talk to the government accordingly so that it There could be an option for the bereaved. Families should want that,” he said.

On February 11, 2023, Ghee was stabbed 28 times in the head, neck, chest and back with a hunting knife in broad daylight in a park in the town of Warrington. Police do not believe this incident hate crime, Of course.

16-year-old accused of fatally stabbing TikTok teen Briana Ghee

Police said the perpetrators, Scarlett Jenkinson and Eddie Ratcliffe, committed the crime for “fun” and a “thirst to kill”.

Scarlett Jenkinson and Eddie Ratcliffe

This composite image released by Cheshire Constabulary on Friday, February 2, 2024 shows Scarlett Jenkinson and Eddie Ratcliffe. The pair were convicted of murdering Briana Ghee, a transgender social media influencer. (Cheshire Constabulary via AP)

The defendants denied killing Briana and blamed each other for the fatal stabbing. It is not known whether the knife was from either or both. Neither had been in trouble with the police before. Both were convicted by a jury last month. A four-week trial.

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The trial heard that the accused were intelligent and had a penchant for violence, torture and serial killers.

Brianna Ghee

Brianna Ghey, a transgender TikTok personality, was found dead in a UK park on 11 February 2023. (Cheshire Police)

The pair planned the attack for weeks, detailed in handwritten plans and phone messages received by detectives. They also discussed killing others, which led police to rule out transphobia as a motive for the murders early in the investigation.

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