Jerusalem – Arrival in Washington King Abdullah II of JordanOn Monday, accompanied by his highly-regarded wife, Queen Rania, highlighted the Hashemite monarchy’s awkward position in the Middle East as the country’s leadership tries to walk the line between maintaining close ties with the United States and taking a tough stance against Israel. she does. Its war in Gaza to appease its large Palestinian population.

After their meeting, Biden thanked Jordan for its help in delivering humanitarian aid to Gaza and recognized the Arab nation as an important ally of the United States: “We are grateful for our partners and allies like the King. who work with us every single day to advance security. stability across the region and beyond. These are difficult times like these when relations between nations are more important than ever.”

Abdullah called for an end to the war in his comments: “We cannot stand by and let it continue. We need a lasting ceasefire now. This war must end. We must immediately and Immediate action must be taken to ensure a sustainable supply of sufficient quantities. Aid to Gaza through all possible channels and mechanisms. And I thank Mr. President for your support on this.”

Abdullah’s visit to the White House on Monday, after a brutal terrorist attack by Hamas against Israel on October 7, which sparked a full-scale war in the Gaza Strip and heightened tensions across the Middle East, was the first time an Arab leader It was his first visit to America. In Jordan

Although Jordan, unlike Qatar and Egypt, has not played a direct role in mediating between Israel and Hamas, King Biden is likely to be involved in post-war efforts to end the four-month conflict and rebuild Gaza. I will push to play my part. .

The Biden administration should look to an Abraham Accord-type initiative to defeat the Hamas regime of terror

Biden Abdullah

President Biden listens to a speech by King Abdullah II of Jordan at the White House on February 12, 2024. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnick)

Former Brigadier General Dr. Saud al-Sharafat of the Jordanian General Intelligence Directorate told Fox News Digital that both the Israelis and the Americans have been aware of the king’s dilemma for a long time and that despite the tension, “relations between the three sides remain. Very difficult conditions.” I, as we face today.”

Al Sharafat, founder and director of the Shorafat Center for Globalization and Terrorism Studies based in the Jordanian capital Amman, said he believed Abdullah’s visit was aimed at seeking American assurances that Jordan would continue to guard the Islamic holy sites in Jerusalem. Its position has remained unchanged since Israel captured Jerusalem. 1967 Six Day War – and to seek guarantees that Palestinian refugees from Gaza will not be sent to Jordan or the West Bank.

Israel Jordan peace

The American, Israeli, and Jordanian flags are displayed during the 1994 Israel-Jordan peace treaty signing ceremony. (Diana Walker/Getty Images)

He also said that Jordan is seeking to play a role in the post-war reconstruction of Gaza and is hoping to receive US military assistance to boost its air defense system, particularly in the north on January 28. After a drone attack by Iran-backed militants on a US military base in the east. Jordan. Three American soldiers were killed in this attack.

“Politics is the art of managing long-term international political relations and managing emergency crises,” al-Sharaf said, adding that Jordan’s internal politics dictated the country’s tough stance on Israel’s actions in Gaza. and has also prevented the king and other high leaders from doing so. Condemn the brutal attack by Hamas terrorists October 7 in southern Israel.

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Anti-Israel protests in Jordan

A boy waves the Jordanian national flag during a rally in Amman, Oct. 27, 2023, to show solidarity with Palestinians in the Gaza Strip during the war between Israel and the Palestinian Hamas movement. (Khalil Mazrawi/AFP via Getty Images)

“First of all, the king presents himself to the Arab and Islamic world and the world as the guardian and protector of the Islamic holy sites in Jerusalem, which was part of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan until 1967,” Al-Sharafat said. “Second, the social and demographic factors of contemporary Jordan, in which half of Jordanian citizens are of Palestinian origin, pressure the government to take a hardline and sometimes overly harsh stance against Israel and the United States as pro-Israel. ”

Less than three weeks after the assassination by Hamas, Queen Rania, herself a Jordanian of Palestinian heritage, spoke out strongly against Israel’s military response, and in interviews with Western journalists, the Iranian-backed terrorist group. refused to acknowledge any atrocities committed by on social media. Following his comments, Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman al-Safadi called Israeli operations in Gaza a “war crime”.

Rockets are being fired at Israel from Gaza.

On October 23, 2023, rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip towards Israel. (AP Photo/Ariel Shalette)

“In order to inflame and control the sentiments of the popular people and the Islamist opposition, Queen Rania and Foreign Minister Ayman al-Safadi were allowed to make strong statements,” Al-Sharafati said.

Jonathan Shenzer, senior vice president for research at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, a DC-based think tank, called Jordan’s position during the current conflict “strange.”

“It belongs to Israel because it’s so big,” he said, acknowledging that this was due to the country’s large Palestinian population.

Egypt threatens to cancel peace deal with Israel over troop deployment in Gaza

King Abdullah II of Jordan shakes hands with President Biden at the White House on February 12, 2024. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnick)

However, Shanzer said, “Jordan is also fighting Iran-backed militias on its border with Syria, and although the Jordanians may not like it, they face the same enemy as the Israelis. Water, gas And the intelligence is provided by the Israelis.”

“It all seems to be wasted on the king,” he continued. “Queen Rania She has arguably emerged as a champion of the Palestinians since October 7, and her tone has been troubling, not because she is pro-Palestinian, but because her comments reflect Jordan’s weaknesses and its heavy reliance on Israel. It seems indifferent to the facts. ”

Despite the apparent contradictions between Jordanian and American approaches to conflicts in the Middle East, “Jordanians are still pinning their hopes on a strong United States,” Shanzer said.

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King Abdullah and Netanyahu

FILE: In this handout photo provided by the Royal Court of Jordan, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meets with King Abdullah II of Jordan during his visit to Amman, January 16, 2014 in Amman, Jordan. Jordanian Royal Court photo via Getty Images. (Jordanian Royal Court photo via Getty Images)

He said the fact that the United States “has not swayed the Jordanians to a more moderate position vis-a-vis Israel shows a complete lack of American leadership.”

“We need to keep our strongest allies in the region more united,” Schanzer said. “They may not be best friends, but they need to hang together or hang apart. … That should be our message.”

Calls and emails to Jordan’s spokesman at its embassy in Washington, D.C., were not returned for comment.


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