United States Counterattacks against Iranian targets In Syria and Iraq, they will succeed only if they convince Iran to prevent its proxies from attacking US personnel and installations “anywhere in the world.”

“The only measure of their effectiveness will be whether they deter further Iranian aggression,” Mike Pompeo, secretary of state during the Trump administration, told Fox News Digital.

LIVE: US launches airstrikes targeting Syria in response to deadly drone strike in Jordan

“These include not just aggression in Jordan or Iraq, but Iranian attacks on American interests anywhere in the world, support for Hamas and Hezbollah against our ally Israel, and Iranian attacks on military and commercial ships in the Red Sea,” he explained. ”

He asserted that he was not sure of its impact because he did not know the exact targets targeted by the US.

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The US carried out airstrikes on Iranian proxies.

wygcs  showing locations of US strikes against Iran proxies.

“To receive this, after such a late reply After three Americans were killedIt will take a level of seriousness and willingness to impose real prices on Iran that we have not seen to date.” He added that “this failure has escalated and will not stop until Biden The administration — along with our allies — does not restore deterrence.”

Two US defense officials confirmed to Fox News’ chief national security correspondent. Jennifer Griffin The United States launched strikes in Syria and Iraq against targets linked to Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and affiliated militia groups.

The strikes began at around 4pm EST on Friday, hitting 85 targets at six locations, including command and control headquarters, weapons storage facilities, underground bunkers and harder targets than in the past. .

President Biden authorized the strikes on Sunday in response to the killing of three American soldiers during an attack in Jordan that also injured 40 other service members. Iraqi group Kataib Hezbollah The military is determined to stop the operation. Under pressure from the Iraqi government and the group’s backers in Iran.

Mike Pompeo at CPAC

Mike Pompeo, former US Secretary of State, speaks during the Conservative Political Action Conference on March 3, 2023 in National Harbor. (Al Drago/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

US Secretary of Defense General Lloyd Austin Confirming the attacks an hour after his execution, he specifically named the IRGC and emphasized that the United States “does not want conflict in the Middle East or anywhere else,” but that the Biden administration “does not tolerate attacks on American forces. Will do.”

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“Mike Pompeo will take all necessary steps to defend America, our forces, and our interests,” Austin promised.

Former military officials reacted cautiously to news of the highly anticipated U.S. strikes, with at least one former rear admiral suggesting that long delays allowed proxy groups to divert personnel away from potential targets. Allowed.

Biden attended the dignified transfer of 3 fallen US soldiers.

President Biden and First Lady Jill Biden attend a dignified transfer of the remains of three U.S. service members killed in a drone attack on a U.S. military post in Jordan at Dover Air Force Base on February 2, 2024 in Dover, Delaware. (Roberto Schmidt/AFP via Getty Images)

“This is a long-term strike,” retired Rear Admiral Mark Montgomery, a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, told Fox News Digital.

“I suspect the time delay would mean the most. IRGC forces would have packed their bags and come back to Iran,” suggested Montgomery. “Even the proxy force might be reduced in size. This is a good target package for day one. I hope this is part of a campaign that will last for weeks.

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“It’s also good to see long-range bombers being used because they can use more cost-effective ordnance options,” he said, adding that strikes “can only restore deterrence. If they remain constant and constant.”

Former CENTCOM Cmdr Joseph Votel called the widespread attacks “unsurprising” during an appearance on “Your World with Neil Cavuto” and argued that pursuing “dozens and dozens” of targets simultaneously “extends our capabilities.” is inside.”

Iran's Missiles

Iranian missiles are displayed in a park on January 20, 2024 in Tehran, Iran. (Majid Saeedi/Getty Images)

“The attacks in Syria indicate to me that we are trying to go after them, certainly the militia groups that are operating from that area, that may be responsible. , and perhaps, some of the Iranian advisers and leaders and facilitators who were supportive of that,” Votel explained.

“So, I guess we’re going to have to wait a bit,” he continued. “We have to be patient to see what the plan is in the coming hours and the coming days

“Certainly, they recognize that they crossed a red line here with the death of our soldiers, so there’s certainly been a reaction on the ground from the militants,” Votel added.

He noted that it is still unclear whether the buildings targeted by these attacks are worth more than an attack against leaders and “others who are actually responsible for making decisions.”

“That first tier could be going after the militant groups, and the next tier could be going after those who are enabling those militant groups,” Votel suggested.

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