The third annual event was attended by hundreds of people from different religions around the world. International Religious Freedom SummitWith the aim of shedding light on religious freedom around the world.

This year, nearly 200 attendees were under the age of 25, with the youngest being 16. Youth chair of the International Religions Freedom Summit, Dr. Nguyen Dinh Thang, says young advocates have fresh minds and open minds.

“If we don’t prepare young people to take the leadership of this campaign of this movement, we’re not going anywhere. The counter-movement will grow,” Thang told Fox News Digital.

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Bible Quran Torah

Copies of the Christian Bible, the Islamic Koran and the Jewish Torah. (Photo by: BSIP/Universal Images Group via Getty Images))

Kenan Abdul Noor, a student at George Washington University, is in his second year volunteering at the summit.

He told Fox News Digital that there is a need for greater involvement of young people, especially regarding religious freedom.

Kanan Abdel Noor with Ambassador Sam Brownback at the International Religious Freedom Summit.

“We see a lot of this where there’s a lot of advocacy, advocacy, like human rights in general. And people don’t like to talk about (religious freedom) specifically. Like it’s a very important issue. is going to happen in the world,” says Abdul Noor.

Since the beginning of the conflict between Israel and Hamas, protests have erupted on college campuses across the country.

Abdul Noor, a Syrian resident, says that the process of protest within himself should not be taken for granted.

“I see it from where their position is, it’s a blessing that they can push, because in Syria, if you push from both sides, you will be killed… these protests, gatherings And freedom of speech, so for me, I see that right or wrong, I think it is A mercy That we are able to achieve this,” he said.

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Robert Ryhak, Ambassador and Special Envoy for the Holocaust, Interfaith Dialogue, and Religious Freedom Czech RepublicI joined. Religious freedom Because he is now “on the other side” and feels a responsibility to help them.

Protests in Iran

In this photo taken by a person not employed by The Associated Press and obtained by The Associated Press outside Iran, Iranians protest the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini after she was killed by moral police on Oct. 1, 2022. He was detained in Tehran. (AP Photo/Middle East Images, File) (Associated Press)

Rihak was a teenager in the late 1980s when Communist state police came to his school and asked him not to reveal anything about himself. Religious Beliefs After attending a lecture.

“I came to my school, and there were two police cars, and they came because of me. I was also in danger, because I heard on the radio that some people had been killed, and (saw) black (bodies). bags … and I didn’t want to be in a plastic bag,” he told Fox News Digital.

“It was my first (experience)… (I was) actually very scared because the communists didn’t want anyone to be interested in practicing religion… and then the revolution happened,” Rihak added.

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Palm cross leaves bushes.

A palm cross and leaf on a burlap background. (iStock)

Mervyn Thomas, CEO of CSW, a Christian The head of the human rights advocacy organization and UK-based Freedom of Religion or Belief Forum (UKFORB) says it is important to include younger generations in the conversation.

Two seats on the FORB main board are reserved for people in their 20s and 30s to ensure that their voices are not only heard, but also included, Thomas says. are

“I’m really excited to bring young people into this space because of … what’s happening around the world is terrible. . And the world doesn’t know about it,” he told Fox News Digital.

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Thomas believes that the cause of religious freedom should take a page. Climate change A book of inspiration sharing awareness.

“I, you know, people my age, have no idea how to use all the social media platforms. We need to use all these ways to tell the world that this is terrible. is, just like it’s been done for years with environmental and green issues … people like Greta Thunberg, young people who are the face of it,” he said.

Protesters, signs

Climate activists attend a rally to end fossil fuels, in New York, Sunday, Sept. 17, 2023. (AP Photo/Brian Woolston)

Annie McKinney, one of the youngest members of the Board of Trustees of the World Parliament of Religions, echoed similar sentiments: “I say take a look at pop culture. You have it. BringBackOurGirls Campaign. . That you saw the influx of young people tweeting. But the movement never captured the people who were so involved and interested in these topics. . . So social media is an important way to go about it,” McKinney said.

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