Saudi Arabia may be ready to accept a non-binding commitment from Israel. Palestinian state In an effort to strike a defense deal with the US before the 2024 presidential election.

Saudi Arabia was moving towards normalizing relations with Israel and recognizing the country for the first time thanks to US-led diplomacy. But those efforts were halted in October after Hamas. October 7 attacks on Israel, and Israel’s subsequent retaliation that infuriated the Arab world.

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman speaks with US President Joe Biden during the Jeddah Security and Development Summit on July 16, 2022 in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. (Bander Algalaud/Courtesy of Saudi Royal Court/Handout via REUTERS)

even then Saudi Arabia Keen to bolster its security and fend off threats from rival Iran, the kingdom is pushing ahead with ambitious plans to transform its economy and attract heavy foreign investment, two regional sources said. can increase

Riyadh’s diplomatic push comes amid growing concerns over the military reach of Iran, which has proxies in Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon, Syria and Gaza.

In a bid to add some momentum to the talks to recognize Israel and get the US deal back on track, Saudi officials have told their US counterparts that Riyadh should not insist that Israel take concrete steps to establish a Palestinian state. will and instead accept a political affiliation. Two state solutions, two senior regional sources told Reuters.

Saudi Arabia has opened its first liquor store in 70 years after the kingdom became more independent

Such a major regional deal, which is widely seen as a long shot before Israel and Hamas go to war, would still face a number of political and diplomatic obstacles, at least as far as But it is also uncertain how the Gaza conflict will unfold.

Another major obstacle to these plans is Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has flatly rejected any American or Arab desire for a Palestinian state after the end of the Gaza war.

Israel Saudi Arabia

Leaders of Israel (left) and Saudi Arabia (right) (Getty Images)

A potential deal offering US military protection to the world’s top oil exporter in exchange for normalization with Israel would unite the two longtime enemies and reshape the Middle East at a time when Riyadh is beholden to Washington. When China is gaining ground in the region.

A normalization deal would also bolster Israel’s defenses against arch-rival Iran and give US President Joe Biden a diplomatic victory ahead of the Nov. 5 presidential election.

Saudi officials have privately urged Washington to pressure Israel to end the Gaza war and commit to a “political horizon” for a Palestinian state, a regional source said, adding that after Riyadh will normalize relations and provide funds for the reconstruction of Gaza

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