Chinese Communist Party Select Committee Chairman Mike Gallagher, R-Wys., criticized. TikTok to Help Increase Chinese Immigrants Trying to cross the US southern border.

“This is more evidence that TikTok should be banned or sold to an American company. President Biden should also reverse his open border policies,” Gallagher said.

“You’re not going. Pay cartels thousands of dollars to smuggle you. In the United States if you know you can’t enter,” Gallagher argued. “Instead, under the policies of the Biden administration, reports show that immigrants from CCP-controlled Tik Tok Receive step-by-step instructions on where to enter illegally. United States.”

The CBS program “60 Minutes” ran a segment last weekend discussing the crisis at the U.S. southern border, highlighting that the fastest growing number of illegal immigrants The group includes Chinese nationals.

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Immigrant Chinese border

Fox News footage shows Chinese immigrants being released into the US. (Fox News)

TikTok had not responded to Gallagher’s comments by the time of publication.

But, in response to the initial report, a TikTok spokesperson said, “TikTok strictly prohibits human trafficking, which we remove from our platform and report to law enforcement agencies when reported.”

Migrants reportedly use TikTok videos that give them step-by-step instructions on how to find someone to help smuggle them across the border and where to go. Find a gap in the wall. The videos often focus on how to get from China or Hong Kong to Ecuador or Panama, popular entry points for Chinese people to the US.

US Rep. Mike Gallagher

U.S. Rep. Mike Gallagher, R-Wis., walks into a meeting of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on Capitol Hill, Feb. 7, 2023, in Washington. (Reuters/Elizabeth Frantz/File Photo)

Some content focuses on the disadvantages that immigrants may face, such as unemployment in the United States and the difficult life faced by illegal immigrants there. A Baidu piece details the experience and punishment of a man who returned to China after failing to obtain asylum.

Oh Video on YouTube Chinese people are shown taking their children on cross-border trips.

A California Republican who voted against Mayorka’s impeachment over the border defended the position by citing the Constitution.

Chinese citizens have had mixed reactions to the “60 Minutes” report. Some support people who try to flee an oppressive political regime, saying it is “understandable” and praising those who dare to leave.

Others argue that the belief that America offers more opportunities is a mistake, or they claim that runaways should not be allowed to return if things don’t work out.

Migrants line up along the border wall.

An immigrant attempting to enter San Luis, Ariz. from Mexico is detained by U.S. Customs and Border Protection at the border on August 20, 2022. (Nick Yout/Getty Images)

Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) sources confirmed to Fox News that they have already encountered nearly 20,000 Chinese immigrants in fiscal year 2024 and are on track to break last year’s record of more than 37,000. An average of about 150 migrants a day.

Between October 1, 2023, and the start of fiscal year 2024, more than 1,000,000 migrants have crossed the southern border, marking the first time this milestone has been crossed. In the same period last year, the number was just over 900,000.

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Border Patrol is rounding up large groups of migrants.

U.S. Border Patrol agents hand out bracelets as they process asylum seekers waiting between the double fence along the U.S.-Mexico border near the Mexican city of Tijuana in San Diego. (AP Photo/Dennis Puroy)

A “60 Minutes” piece claimed the number. Temporary visa issued to Chinese citizens In 2022, those wanting to travel to the US fell from millions to just 160,000. The US State Department pushed back on that framing, instead arguing that the number had increased over the past year.

“The U.S. Embassy in Beijing, and the U.S. consulates in Guangzhou, Shanghai, and Shenyang issued a combined 325 percent more visas in fiscal year 2023 than in fiscal year 2022,” a State Department spokesperson told Fox News Digital. That is a substantial increase rather than a decrease in available visas.”

The spokesman estimated that about 8 million Chinese citizens hold valid visitor visas and that the process to obtain one “currently takes about 80 calendar days, but 30 days in Xinjiang and 50 days in Beijing,” while students The average waiting time for a worker visa is about seven days.

“In the last year, we have witnessed increasing encounters with illegal immigrants. From countries outside the Western Hemisphere, the spokesperson noted. “We continue to work with partners to identify countries of concern and coordinate responses to address the challenges of irregular migration.”

The Department of Homeland Security told Fox News Digital in a statement that the U.S. has experienced “historic global migration” and that the department is “working to disrupt criminal networks that take advantage of vulnerable immigrants.” ”

“We are using every tool available to us, but we need additional funding and reforms from Congress to fix our broken immigration system,” a DHS spokeswoman said.

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