The Ukrainian president visited the frontline village of Robotyn.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visited troops in the front-line village of Robotyn in southern Ukraine over the weekend.

Ukrainian forces recaptured the village in the Zaporizhzhia region last August, hailing the liberation as a breakthrough in their summer retaliation. However, overall progress was slow, and only a handful of villages were recaptured by Russian forces.

Empty tank shells are seen on a snow-covered field during winter near Robotyn, Zaporizhia, Ukraine, on January 22, 2024.

Describing Robotine as “one of the most difficult parts of the front,” Zielinski said he met with soldiers from the 65th Mechanized Brigade and gave awards to those who “distinguished themselves in these weeks of fighting. ”

Zelensky then held a security meeting in Zaporizhzhia, talking to officials about the region, and its capital, and hearing reports from military commanders in the region and at Avdiivka, another hot spot in Donetsk. There has been speculation that Zelenskiy could replace his head of the armed forces following a reshuffle of the military and possibly other ministries.

On Sunday, Zelensky appointed Ivan Fedorov as the new head of the Zaporizhia Regional State Administration. Fedorov, a former mayor of Russian-held Melitopol, said after his appointment that his “goal remains the same: to join forces to bring Ukraine’s victory closer. I did that as mayor of the city.

The Kremlin lowered the level of support for anti-war election candidate Boris Nadezhdin.

A challenger to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s long reign has emerged from an unlikely place—within Russia’s political establishment—in the form of Boris Nadezhdin.

Standing on a platform of peace with Ukraine, friendly and cooperative international relations, and fair elections, as well as a fair civil society and small state, Nadezhdin launched his bid for the presidency last week. . Presidential elections in Russia will be held on March 15-17.

Boris Nadezhdin, the candidate of the Civic Initiative Party for Russia’s 2024 presidential election, brings 105,000 signatures to a polling station on January 31, 2024, in Moscow, Russia.

The Kremlin has sought to rule out Nadezhdain’s potential to upset an election whose victory is seen as a done deal for Putin. “We are not inclined to exaggerate the level of support for Mr. Nadezhdin,” Kremlin press secretary Dmitry Peskov told CNBC.

Political analysts say Russia’s Central Election Commission is likely to find an error in Nadezhdin’s bid to get his name on the ballot paper this week.

Nevertheless, the fact that Nazism is even trying to run for office on an anti-war platform – and has garnered a certain level of public support – shows that his views are popular with the public. There is an appetite for it, and it is likely that the Kremlin will face panic after this. Staking his political legacy and future on a victory in Ukraine.

Senate issues $118 billion bipartisan aid proposal for Israel, Ukraine, border security

Senators released details of the $118.2 billion on Sunday. Bilateral aid proposal For Ukraine, Israel, and the South American border, after months of hard-working, closed-door negotiations.

The long-awaited bill requests $60.1 billion. Ukraine aid, for $14.1 billion Isra Yale and $20.2 billion to improve security American frontier. It also includes small pockets of funds for humanitarian aid in war-torn areas and defense operations. The Red Sea And Taiwan.

Ukrainian soldiers listen to a high-ranking officer after a military exercise of assault units in the Zhytomyr region on January 30, 2024, during the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

President Joe Biden, initially proposed an aid package of more than $105 billion in October. The new Senate deal roughly matches the proportion of funding that Biden requested for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan.

The main difference in the new proposal is more than $13 billion in border security funding, which was a sticking point in months of Senate negotiations.

Republicans have criticized it. The Biden administration to deal with its border, which has seen record numbers of migrant crossings in recent months. Democrats countered that the president needed more executive authority to establish more aggressive border security.

The president said Sunday that he supports the Senate’s bipartisan proposal, which includes a term that would give him “new emergency authority to close the border if it is overwhelmed.”

“I urge Congress to come together and pass this bipartisan agreement quickly. Bring it to my desk so I can sign it into law immediately,” Biden said. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, DN.Y. said that a vote on the bill is scheduled for Wednesday.

Unicredit CEO says business in Russia is being scaled back.

UniCredit CEO: No change in strategy on Russia, continues to reduce business.

UniCredit CEO Andrea Orsel discusses the Italian lender’s business strategy in Russia.

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